WM Trimmings Ltd. Wholesale
Prym Tunisian Crochet Hook (Copy)
Prym Tunisian Crochet Hook (Copy)
Those looking for new inspiration for original needlework projects, obtain with these Tunisian crochet hooks the ideal tool, because with the double-sided Tunisian crocheting all pieces look woven. Gladly it can also be used for two different coloured threads or for seamless crocheting in rounds. The extra long crochet hooks for wool have each one a crochet hook head at the end or the hook - with it many stitches can be quickly and easily taken up. The needle is made of high quality materials and despite its stability is light and easy to use. The Tunisian crochet hook is available in 15 cm length and up to 6.0 mm thickness in aluminium and turquoise colour. From 6mm thickness upward the crochet hook for wool is made from a light grey plastic body with aluminium hooks.